MagSeed and MagTrace

Planting Seeds for Good Harvest

Did you know that a lumpectomy with complete removal of a breast cancer from your breast followed by radiation to the breast, is as effective as mastectomy? Let me explain. For example, if you and I were identical twins and we both had breast cancer and I chose to keep my breast and you chose to have your breast removed with a mastectomy, we would live the same amount of time. Studies have demonstrated that lumpectomy with adjuvant radiation therapy is equivalent to survival stage for stage for breast cancer compared to a mastectomy. Many women make a fear-based decision to have a more radical procedure which does not necessarily help them to live longer.

Did you know that a lumpectomy with complete removal of a breast cancer from your breast followed by radiation to the breast, is as effective as mastectomy? Let me explain. For example, if you and I were identical twins and we both had breast cancer and I chose to keep my breast and you chose to have your breast removed with a mastectomy, we would live the same amount of time. Studies have demonstrated that lumpectomy with adjuvant radiation therapy is equivalent to survival stage for stage for breast cancer compared to a mastectomy. Many women make a fear-based decision to have a more radical procedure which does not necessarily help them to live longer.

Dr. Dauway is the co-inventor of radioactive seed localization of non-palpable lesions which was patented in the United States by the University of South Florida in 1999. So why aren’t all surgeons using radioactive seeds instead of hook wire? Because radioactive materials are highly regulated and difficult to implement in all hospitals especially in regional remote areas. Radioactive seeds are only offered in larger tertiary hospitals and even many of them still use hook wires. Fortunately, in the UK a new seed was created that uses no radioactivity. It is called the MagSeed.

The Magseed is a small metal seed which can be placed easily by the radiologist 30 days prior to your surgery. It does not migrate and stays safely next to the tumor. It is identified by the surgeon easily with a hand-held probe which is a metal detector. The surgeon may then remove or harvest the cancer from the breast. Dr. Dauway with her years of experience with seed technology was able to perform this procedure safely and efficiently in a regional hospital in Australia.

Dr. Dauway is the first surgeon to use MagSeed in Australia. She will be presenting and sharing her research at the Royal Australiasian College of Surgeons Annual Congress in May 2019 with her colleagues.

In 2019, women with breast cancer have treatment options. You may not have a choice in having breast cancer, but you do have choices on how you want to respond to treating it. Don’t make a fear-based decision make an informed decision. If you’d like to know all of your treatment options, then contact Dr. Dauway today to learn more and take back control of your life!

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Dr Emilia Dauway

By incorporating yoga and mindfulness in her surgical practice, Dr Emilia Dauway empowers women to live without fear through mindful living.

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